Edit 6th Mar 2012: Jeff Rients, the Grand Wizard of Gonzo, hath compiled a link collection of FF fanlove. So much goodness!
TL;DR: What I've found in the course of my nosings:
- If you're using MM+FF, you're 30-40% likely to be rolling Fiend Folio monsters at L1-4.
- L5+ Fiend Folio monsters are poorly represented in MM+FF, with only a 16% chance of appearing at best. This drops to only 7% for L8.
- NPC parties turn up from 5-12% of the time, with seemingly no rhyme or reason as to frequency by level.
- Dragons turn up 2% of the time on L4-8, 3% of the time on L9, and 9% of the time on L10. Li Lung (earth dragon) only until L7.
Note on the Tables
The freq # on the tables below is derived from the percentage chance of encountering that creature on the MM+FF WM tables in the back of the Fiend Folio. I've taken it as a direct indicator of relative scarcity in FF-only world. Why? Because the orthodox "common/uncommon/rare/very rare" frequencies in the AD&D monster listings are just so tediously sensible. Needs more gonzo.
The #number at the bottom of each table tots up the numbers in the freq# column. It might be useful in making short and sweet FF-only random encounter tables, like, I dunno, these ones: FF only WM tables.pdf
Dungeon Level I
freq # | Creature | # enc |
1 | Al-mi'raj | 1-4 |
2 | Bullywug | 3-18 |
2 | Carbuncle | 1 |
2 | Dire Corby | 2-5 |
3 | Gibberling | 6-17 |
4 | Jermlaine | 6-20 |
2 | Mite | 3-18 |
1 | Norker | 2-8 |
2 | Ogrillon | 1-4 |
4 | Snayd | 1-8 |
7 | Tween | 1 |
1 | Xvart | 6-15 |
#31 |
- L1 has little variety; just a bunch of runty humanoids and a couple of beasties with odd forehead adornments. It's like all the least imaginative parts of Star Trek as a dungeon level. :(
- Gibberling, Jermlaine and Snayd comprise ~30% of all L1 encounters. But then they are "kobold, goblin, orc" by other names...
- Notable exception: the luck-tweaking Tween. This weirdy is by far the commonest single monster type on L1: ~22% of encounters! Ask your DM how multiple Tween luck manipulation powers interact... (throw things at him if he bottle it and claims they cancel out)
Level II
freq # | Creature | # enc |
2 | Assassin Bug | 2 |
2 | Coffer Corpse | 1 |
2 | Crabman | 2-8 |
2 | Flind | 2-8 |
3 | Flump | 2-8 |
1 | Galltrit | 1-4 |
2 | Goldbug | 1-12 |
4 | Gorbel | 1-8 |
4 | Grimlock | 2-12 |
1 | Gryph | 1-6 |
2 | Ice Troll | 1-6 |
1 | Nilbog | 1-6 |
3 | Poltergeist | 1-8 |
2 | Quaggoth | 4-10 |
3 | Skulk | 1-8 |
4 | Volt | 1-8 |
2 | Vortex | 1-8 |
#40 |
- Fiend Folio VTEC kicks in yo! on L2. Flumps, Gorbels, Nilbogs and Vortices all bring their own brand of crazy to the dungeon. Also, gnollchucks.
- Gorbels, Grimlocks and Volts appear a lot. 1in10 chance of each if playing FF-only.
- Finally! a use for that turn undead ability that's been clogging up the cleric's character sheet to no apparent purpose.
- Ogrillons are missing from the WM table. Unsurprising considering that neither of their progenitor races exist in FF-only D&D.
Level III
freq # | Creature | # enc |
1 | Adherer | 1-4 |
1 | Astral Searcher | 2-11 |
1 | Babbler | 1-4 |
1 | Berbelang | 1 |
1 | Blindheim | 1-4 |
1 | Bonesnapper | 1-3 |
1 | Dark Creeper | 1 |
1 | Death Dog | 3-12 |
1 | Enveloper | 1 |
1 | Firedrake | 1-6 |
1 | Firenewt | 2-16 |
2 | Fire Snake | 1-6 |
1 | Forlarren | 1 |
1 | Frost man | 1 |
1 | Gambado | 1-4 |
1 | Garbug, violet | 1-3 |
1 | Huecuva | 1-4 |
1 | Imorph | 1 |
1 | Iron Cobra | 1 |
3 | Kenku | 1-4 |
1 | Mantari | 1-3 |
1 | Meazle | 1 |
2 | Mephit | 1 |
1 | Necrophidus | 1 |
1 | Qullan | 1-6 |
1 | Scrm. Devilkin | 1 |
1 | Sheet Phantom | 1 |
1 | Shocker | 1-3 |
1 | Stunjelly | 1 |
1 | Symbiotic Jelly | 1 |
1 | Thoqqua | 1-2 |
1 | Tirapheg | 1 |
2 | Whipweed | 1-2 |
2 | Witherweed | 1 |
#40 |
- L3 is Fiend Folio heaven! Adherers, zapfrogs, thermal worms, killer jack-in-the-boxes, crazy snakes (iron, firey, and skeletal), several types of malicious imp, and a variety of angry wall hangings. This is the Fiend Folio that the cool kids rave about.
- No Osquip listing on the WM table? For shame! I can't stand the little buggers myself, but they're a Fiend Folio classic.
- Kenku are the single commonest encounter. Expect lots of kidnappings and suchlike crow-ninja antics, especially with the Dark Creepers in town too.
- Nice variety, with only 1in10 chance of weed- or fire-themed beasty attack.
Level IV
freq # | Creature | # enc |
2 | Bloodworm, Gt | 1-3 |
2 | Caterwaul | 1 |
1 | Dark Stalker | 1 |
1 | Denzelian | 1-2 |
1 | Disenchanter | 1 |
2 | Ettercap | 1-2 |
1 | Eye killer | 1 |
2 | Firetoad | 1-3 |
1 | Flailsnail | 1 |
2 | Garbug, Black | 1-3 |
2 | Grell | 1 |
2 | Hook Horror | 2-5 |
2 | Kamadan | 1 |
1 | Kuo-tou | 2-12 |
1 | Lava children | 1-6 |
1 | Meenlock | 2-5 |
2 | Sandman | 1-2 |
1 | Scarecrow | 1-2 |
1 | Shadow demon | 1 |
1 | Son of Kyuss | 1-2 |
2 | Tiger fly | 2 |
2 | Y.musk creeper | 1 (+ YMZombies = # of flowers) |
#33 |
- Lots of penny packet fights with second-string heavy metal bands on L4.
- Only Kuo-tou (and yellow musk zombies) turn up anything like mob-handed.
- Dragons finally put in an appearance, in the form of the Li Lung. They can turn invisible at will and create roof-collapsing earthquakes to which they are immune 1/day, so expect TPKs.
- The Meenlocks will chant "one of us, one of us" in your nightmares, and then make it so.
- Disenchanter? Warning: multiply rust monster by disjunction effect and brace for butthurt players.
- Flailsnails. Why? Because f***ing FLAILSNAILS!
Level V
freq # | Creature | # enc |
1 | Crypt Thing | 1 |
1 | Elf, drow | 3-12 |
1 | Githyanki | 1-4 |
1 | Githzerai | 1-4 |
2 | Ice lizard | 1-2 |
1 | Khargra | 1-2 |
2 | Phantom Stalker | 1 |
2 | Svirfneblin | 2-5 |
2 | Tentamort | 1-2 |
1 | Trilloch | 1 |
1 | Umpleby | 1 |
1 | Xill | 1-2 |
#16 |
- Here be poster boy scheming humanoids with their own cultures, magic and class-levelled bosses: Drow, Gith*, and the vile Smurfnoblins. When does /cloudkill/ come onstream?
- The Xill want to make sweet ethereal love to your paralysed/subdued body.
- Phantom Stalkers paw at you surprisingly ineffectually for L5 creatures. 1-4/1-4 and a one shot 6d6 fireball? Ogrillons hit harder!
- Crypt Things are on the WM table despite a listing of In Lair: 100%. Eh? how does that work? Schrodinger's Crypt Thing or sommat...?
- No entry for Caryatid Columns. Them girls are real homebodies.
- No listing for Doombats either, even though they're a L5 creature described as living in underground caverns.
Level VI
freq # | Creature | # enc |
1 | Apparition | 1 |
3 | Hellcat | 1 |
1 | Lizard King | 1 |
2 | Penanggalan | 1 |
2 | Protein Polymorph | 1 |
1 | Slaad, red | 1 |
1 | Spirit Troll | 1 |
1 | Sussurus | 1 |
1 | Terithran | 1 |
2 | Troll, giant | 1-2 |
1 | Vision | 1 |
#16 |
- L6 is the first of the billy-no-mates levels inhabited by too-cool-for-company loners. Thank goodness for the Dungeon Random Monster Level Determination Matrix in the DMG, otherwise "1 of... 1 of... 1 of..." would just get tedious.
- Hellcats are the single commonest encounter, probably looking to sign on with a better class of Lawful Evil boss downstairs.
- Lizard kings have no lizardmen to lord it over in FF-only D&D. Ronery ronery rizardking-in-exile.
- Charles Stross-written, Russ Nicholson-illustrated commie chaos frog in easy access loincloth will give you BAD touch. ("It's Slaady time!" "No dad, no!")
- One Vision. No, not the cheesy Queen song, or the Marvel superhero, but a adversarial GM not-undead with exception-based powers of aging you to death only if you believe it capable of doing so.
Level VII
freq # | Creature | # enc |
2 | Cifal | 1-2 |
1 | Devil, Styx | 1 |
1 | Eye of Fear and Flame | 1 |
1 | Giant, mountain | 1-2 |
1 | Groaning Spirit | 1 |
1 | Guardian Demon | 1 |
1 | Guard. Familiar | 1 |
1 | Lamia Noble | 1 |
1 | Magnesium Spirit | 1 |
1 | Nonafel | 1 |
1 | Revenant | 1 |
1 | Slaad, blue | 1 |
1 | Troll, gt 2head | 1 |
#14 |
- Another 'on-yer-billy' level. Only the Cifals (commonest single encounter btw), giants and 2-headed troll seem to want to engage in conversation.
- Between the undead and infernals the cleric is going to be earning his keep.
- Lamia nobles join the lizardkings in exile. At least they can lord it over non-lamia...
- Magnesium spirits self-sabotage by lurking at a level too shallow to fulfil the stated requirements for them to leave this Plane. Eejits.
- Wot no Mezzodaemon? They're described as being easy to summon to the Material Plane.
- A second dragon type finally(!) makes an appearance. The Tien lung and its 50% chance of 1-6 Wind Walker cronies.
Level VIII
freq # | Creature | # enc |
1 | Death knight | 1 |
2 | Giant, fog | 1-2 |
2 | Retriever | 1 |
1 | Skel. Warrior | 1 |
1 | Slaad, green | 1 |
#7 |
- Two types of sword-swinging militaristic skeleton, one chartreuse chaos frog, one type of (hunched up) giant, and demon mecha-spiders with death ray eyes. L8 is weird.
- The Retriever is listed as an L7 creature in its description, but makes cameos on deeper dungeon levels. Maybe its looking for something?
Level IX
freq # | Creature | # enc |
3 | Achaierai | 1-2 |
2 | Nycadaemon | 1 |
3 | Retriever | 1 |
2 | Slaad, grey | 1 |
#10 |
- This far down the locals are all extra-planar. Dungeon L9 is deep in the mythic part of the mythic underworld.
- The Retriever gets another appearance, which is a bit odd.
- Note the British spelling of 'grey' for the grey slaad. Possibly an indication that the charcoal chaos frogs are oh so frightfully British, what-what? Expect monocles, eccentricity and tea etiquette arguments.
Level X
freq # | Creature | # enc |
3 | Demon Prince | 1 |
2 | Elemental Prince of Evil | 1 |
3 | Lamia Noble | 1 |
3 | Slaad, death | 1 |
1 | Slaad, lord | 1 |
#13 |
- It's all chaos and evil down on L10. Even the dragons only go there in pairs.
- The poor outclassed Lamia Noble seems to be listed in error. They're L7 monsters according to their description. Although the image of a Lamia noble slithering through the level looking for an exit as quietly as possible is fun...
The FF-only dungeonscape is weird and a bit sparse away from levels 2-4. No gygaxian naturalism yard trash (fungus, centipedes, spiders, rats, cave crickets, etc) here. Instead we get a level 1 composed of scads of humanoids leavened with a few Borgesian bestiary monsters, then several layers of outright bizarro, and then a layer of big name subterranean humanoids with extended write-ups. After that things taper down to a mix of weird fantasy and scifi-ish stuff, and finally to "all demons all the time". Even the dragons (when they finally rear their oddly-moustachioed heads) are weird and a bit non-dragonish.
Yeah, you've got some classic, iconic D&D monsters in the mix (death knight, drow, hook horror, kuo-tou, slaad, etc), but the overall feel of the underworld presented by the Fiend Folio is such a gonzo departure from the norm that I'm not sure whether or not FF-only D&D would cross that nebulous line into 'not-D&D'.
Pic source: weknowmemes.com
Interesting. Oh, and those moustachioed dragons, like all hipsters, wear those 'staches ironically.
ReplyDeleteI was going to write a lengthy praise of your analysis here, share it on Google+ and link to it from my blog...
ReplyDelete...then you and talked trash about Queen.
(PS But seriously, good work here.)
(PPS Queen rules.)
Nice work. Particularly useful for an approach like that described here:
Very cool idea. If I start a totally new campaign at some point I might consider doing this.